Parting Ways

Parting Friends is a Roleplaying Short about friends that are having their last drink before going their separate ways. To play you will need three to five people, glasses for everyone, and a table for you all to sit around.

First, begin by deciding how the friends know one another and why they might all be parting ways. Second, fill the glasses with your drinks of choice, and sit down around the table. Play proceeds from here in three phases: past, present, and future.

The Past

In the first phase each of you will take a turn telling a brief story about how your character ended up knowing the other characters. Maybe it’s an early life decision that made them work in the same place or an ex that brought them to the city. When it’s your turn to go the other players should help you out by asking questions in character or for stories where character’s might have shared history, taking up small pieces of the story. Continue the phase until all players have had a turn  and at least one person has finished their drink.

The Present

The player that finished their drink first in the last phase should refill everyone’s drinks at the beginning of this phase. In this phase, you will each take a turn telling a story from your character’s point of view about the present day. Just as in the previous phase, participate in the other player’s stories by asking questions and interjecting observations. Continue the phase until all players have had a turn  and at least one person has finished their drink.

The Future

The player that finished their drink first in the last phase should refill everyone’s drinks at the beginning of this phase. In this phase, you will each take a turn as your character telling the other player’s what your character will be doing going forward, that will take them away from the others. All of the same advice from previous phases applies in this phase as well. Once every player has had a turn, the characters say their goodbyes and the story is over.

One Response to “Parting Ways”

  1. dscleaver Says:

    Special Election Suggestion: Try playing campaign workers from a losing campaign.

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